Best Mutual Funds to Invest in During Market Downturns for High Returns; Full List
Mutual fund investments have decreased in the recent market downturn. Although investments decreased in February, there are still continuous investors. Expert advice is important as the market is subject to risks.

Top Performing Mutual Funds For Market Downturn: Mutual fund investment: Investors suffered huge losses these days. However, investment in mutual funds has not stopped. In particular, in March 2020, the AUM of mutual funds decreased by Rs 5 lakh crore.

After that, its index was not seen as low as that. Financial analysts are concerned as the AUM of the funds concerned has decreased this year. According to Ampi's data, Rs 40,063 crore has been invested in mutual funds in February this year.

Last January that amount was Rs 1.88 lakh crore. That is, mutual funds have decreased by Rs 1.47 lakh crore in a month's gap this year. In February, the AUM of these funds decreased by about 7 percent. As a result, it has decreased to Rs 64.53 lakh crore.

In January, the AUM in mutual funds was Rs 67.25 lakh crore. A total of Rs 29,303 crore has been invested in equity mutual funds in February this year.

Investment in this category has decreased by about 26.1% compared to January. Because, in the first month of 2025, investment in equity mutual funds is 39,687 crores.

In January, the maximum investment in equity mutual funds was in two funds. In sectoral and thematic funds, this amount is about Rs 9 thousand crore.

As the market has fallen, there is an opportunity to buy more mutual funds at a lower price. So investment is going on continuously. Investing in mutual funds is subject to market risks. So get expert advice before investing.