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Chennai floods 2023: Suriya, Karthi vow financial assistance of Rs 10 lakh for relief works

Tamil actors Suriya and Karthi have announced a donation of Rs 10 lakhs for the relief efforts in the Chennai floods. The heavy downpours brought in by Cyclone Michaung in Chennai and its neighboring districts have started to abate.

Chennai floods 2023: Suriya, Karthi vows financial assistance of Rs 10 lakh for relief works rkn
First Published Dec 5, 2023, 10:26 AM IST

Tamil actors Suriya and Karthi have announced a donation of 10 lakhs for the relief efforts in Chennai and nearby areas, which are reeling under heavy rains and floods. This amount is for relief work in the districts of Chennai, Kanchipuram, Chengalpattu, and Thiruvallur where the floods are severe. Both their fan groups are active in relief efforts.

Meanwhile, Actor Vishal had come forward pointing out that the Chennai Corporation was not properly involved in the flood. "ear Ms Priya Rajan (Mayor of Chennai) and to one & all other officers of Greater Chennai Corporation including the Commissioner. Hope you all are safe & sound with your families & water especially drainage water not entering your houses & most importantly hope you have unconditional supply of food & electricity. Just checking as a Voter coz as Citizens living in the same city as you are, we are not in the same position. I wonder if the entire storm water drain project was meant for Singapore or Chennai? , Vishal X wrote.


Meanwhile, severe cyclone Michaung is moving northwards from Chennai and will touch the Andhra Pradesh coast tomorrow before noon. The India Meteorological Department has predicted that heavy rain and wind will continue in the state. The officials said that the power would be restored two hours after the rain stops completely. Around 162 relief camps have been opened in Chennai. 

The heavy downpours brought in by Cyclone Michaung in Chennai and its neighboring districts have started to abate. In a sigh of relief, the Chennai Airport emerged from the deluge after a day of relentless rains. The airfield of the Chennai airport which was closed for arrival and departure operations till 9 am on Tuesday has opened for services. The Airport Authority of India has asked passengers to check their flight status with their respective airlines.

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