Karnataka Election 2023: After mega roadshow in Bengaluru, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday addressed a rally in Karnataka’s Shivamogga. He said, "BJP has worked for the farmers of the state. Now all the lies of Congress are fully exposed and BJP will form government with full majority."
As today’s the last day of campaigning for the upcoming Karnataka Assembly elections, political parties are leaving no stone unturned in upping their game. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday held a 10-km roadshow in Bengaluru before addressing rallies in the poll bound state.
Addressing the rally in Shivamogga, PM Modi said Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) conducted the roadshow early as there was a NEET exam today. "No political party dares to conduct or address any rally or public meeting so early. I received a lot of love today from the public of Bengaluru," he said.
Today, the entire Karnataka is saying "Ee Baria Nirdhara, Bahumatada BJP Sarkara!"
During my Roadshow, Bengaluru has shown immense love and trust, and it has touched my heart. I will forever be indebted to Karnataka.
- PM pic.twitter.com/H24kRMncdj
Slamming the Opposition, he said both politics and development work of Congress are only on paper and they can never develop Karnataka as they are just peddling lies. PM Modi further said, "Women of Karnataka were completely neglected by the Congress government in past. They have done no development work for the farmers. BJP has worked for the farmers of the state. Now all the lies of Congress are fully exposed and BJP will form government with full majority."
Elaborating further, he said the party has provided 2,000 new types of seeds to farmers in 9 years. "Despite crises, we have never allowed any shortage of fertilizers in the country. Russia-Ukraine crisis led to record increase in fertilizer prices but we did not let it burden the country's farmers," he added.
Under the Congress rule, PM Modi said girls' education and women's empowerment were pushed back during their rule. He said, "Congress did not make separate toilets for girls in schools, and girls used to drop out because of this, but BJP campaigned to remove the injustice done to girls and today more and more girls are going to school."
PM Modi said Bengaluru has shown immense love and trust, and it touched his heart during his roadshow. "I will forever be indebted to Karnataka," he concluded.