Weight loss: Exercise to black coffee, 7 tips to nail intermittent fasting

First Published Feb 21, 2022, 7:00 AM IST

Intermittent fasting is safe and can lead to significant weight loss. We spoke to Nabanita Saha, chief clinical dietician, Manipal Hospital Old Airport Road, who guided us on the same.

Intermittent fasting is an eating plan that involves a cycle of fasting and eating days on a regular schedule. It specifies when to eat rather than what to eat. Intermittent fasting is safe and can lead to significant loss of weight. It also improves metabolic health in obese people.


Planning intermittent fasting: Planning is essential before you start intermittent fasting. People may have different responses to similar intermittent plans. It is always essential to pay attention to your body. It is vital to decide the days of fasting and days of eating. Once the planning is done, you should religiously stick to the plan if you are planning to do intermittent daily fasting by fasting for certain hours in a day and eating within a certain period of the window. Then it's advised to start slowly for eg follows a 12/12 window. We eat within 12 hours and give 12 hours fasting for some time and then gradually move to the 10/14 or 8/16 window where you can increase the fasting hours from 14-16 hours.

Exercise: Exercise multiplies the effect of intermittent fasting and helps in a faster weight loss. However, it is important to consider that type of exercise on fasting days should be different from other days. For example, consider doing less intense exercise like jogging or a brisk walk to burn calories during fasting days. 

Adequate water consumption: Food is an essential water source for the body. Thus, when you are not eating food, try to compensate for water requirements by increasing water intake. People on fasting days should drink around 3 -4 litres of water per day. You may also drink herbal tea on fasting days. It will not only keep you dehydrated but also reduce your urge to eat.

Black coffee: Drink black coffee during intermittent fasting. It will act as an appetite suppressant that helps in weight loss. One can also add coconut oil or butter to their coffee to suppress the hunger pangs. 

Get the right food choices: Always make the right food choices during intermittent fasting. You may opt for low calorie yet healthy food options like nuts, beans, and avocado, which are rich in fibres, proteins, and healthy fats. Avoid overeating. Also, add a good amount of fibre to whole cereals, pulses, fruit and vegetables, etc. Also Read: BROCCOLI TO ALMONDS TO OILY FISH: HERE ARE SOME FOODS TO BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM

Keep yourself undistracted: It is essential to keep yourself busy and avoid drifting to food on fasting days. If you do not have any office-related work, keep yourself busy reading books or engage yourself in a hobby. Also Read: Safe sex to Healthy diet; 7 ways to make your vagina happy

Track your progress: Performance can only be measured by tracking the progress. Make a chart of weight loss attained during each week. It will help you to determine whether to stick with the current intermittent fasting plan, or there is a need to shift to the new plan. Also Read: Face Oil or Serum, what and how do I choose? Dermatologists decode

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