The paparazzi snapped actor Poonam Pandey on Tuesday at Lokhandwala in Mumbai. The actor was all smiles as she posed for the pictures, and why not? After all, she got relief in the pornography case by the Supreme Court.
Poonam Pandey wore an all-white outfit as she stepped out. She wore a body-hugging full sleeves top along with white loose pants.
To complete her look, Poonam Pandey carried her Louis Vuitton bag and big black sunglasses. She wore nude pink lip colour and loaded her eyelashes with mascara. A shimmery blue eyeshadow added colour to her otherwise plain outfit. She tied her hair in a bun.
Poonam Pandey had previously filed a plea with the Bombay High Court, seeking anticipatory bail. However, Justice Nitin Sambre who was hearing her plea dismissed it.
Later, Poonam Pandey filed an application with the Supreme Court against the Bombay High Court’s order. The double bench court accepted her application and granted her interim protection.
But, the pornography case is not the only controversy that Poonam Pandey has been a part of. She was also in the news for allegedly incurring injuries on her face, claiming that Sam Bombay had physically assaulted her. She was reportedly admitted to the hospital for the injuries.
The impact of her marriage with Sam Bombay had been such that she reportedly said that she would remain single for at least four to five years. However, she went on to add that in case she finds her ‘Mr Right’ in between these years, she would be willing to take it forward.