Yoga poses for reducing anxiety

Anxiety can be more than a stress reaction. Yoga can assist before it escalates. Breathing evenly in yoga soothes your mind. Breathing control helps you relax under tension. By Leona Merlin Antony

Yoga has been a significant part of physical fitness. It not only makes our body better, but calms our mind. It was a spiritual practice which dates thousands of years. Your connection with your environment via your body helps you reduce your negative thoughts and anxiety. Anxiety, although seen as a standard and manageable feeling, can sometimes develop severe issues like rapid heartbeat and uncontrollable sweating. Here are some ways in which yoga can help you deal with that.
Hero Pose
The Hero Pose helps you in lengthening you spine and finding your centre. To do this pose, you have to be in a kneeling position where, your knees come together. Try to keep the top of your feet flat on the ground. With the help of your hands, rise forward to come into a tabletop position. Always regulate your breathing. Do it 5-6 times at a slow pace. 

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Tree Pose
The muscles worked out in this pose are the abdominals, and the quadriceps. Stand upright and fold your hands in a praying position in front of your chest. After finding a breath of your pace, slowly lift your right leg towards your left thigh, making you form a triangle. Find your balance and repeat the same on the other side. 

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Triangle Pose
This is a great yoga pose to alleviate tension in your neck and back. This stretches your gluteus maximum and medius along with your hamstrings. Stand in a position where your feet is wider than your hips. Extended your hands on both sides and hinge towards the right side, trying to touch your right toes with the right hands. Breathe in while you extend yourself to this position. Do the same on the other side at your pace.

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Standing Forward Bend
This might seem simple but it engages many muscles of your body including your spinal muscles and hamstrings. Stand with hip distance apart. By hinging at the hips, exhale the air inside you and drop your hands to the floor or your feet. Maintain a slight bend in your knees if possible. The pose can be more helpful if you tuck in your chin into your chest. Holding this pose for one minute would be ideal.

Yoga is all about tuning your body into the balance. The chaos of the world can be overwhelming. Therefore, it is always a good option do practice yoga on a daily basis.

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