Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday launched scathing attacks on the grand-old-party. He claimed that from 2004 to 2014, the former UPA government's trademark was to allow every opportunity develop into a catastrophe. Check out the top quotes from PM Modi's speech in Lok Sabha.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday launched scathing attacks on the grand-old-party. The opposition politicians shouted "Adani, Adani" when the prime minister attacked Congress, and some of them even left the floor during the speech.
PM Modi hit out at the Opposition, saying world was seeing its prosperity in India’s growth story but a few were not ready to accept the achievements of the nation. Additionally, he claimed that from 2004 to 2014, the former UPA government's trademark was to allow every opportunity develop into a catastrophe. Modi made his comments in response to the discussion around the Motion of Thanks for the President's Address.
Here are the top quotes from PM Modi's speech:
The self-confidence of India's tribal communities have increased.
— PMO India (@PMOIndia)Also read: PM Modi wears blue jacket in Parliament, Know why its special
Today, India has a stable and decisive government.
— PMO India (@PMOIndia)The years 2004 to 2014 were filled with scams.
— PMO India (@PMOIndia)Also Read | 'Crores of citizens will shield me against Oppn's lies': PM Modi during Motion of Thanks to President
"Your abuses and allegations towards me will have to go through crores of citizens first. I have been working for the nation for 25 years, you can't breach this trust with your lies," PM Modi said.
The blessings of 140 crore Indians is my 'Suraksha Kavach'.
— PMO India (@PMOIndia)