Delhi CM and AAP national convenor Arvind Kejriwal said, "They split up several MLAs, according to reports. I received phone calls asking if everything was all right. I'd like to introduce a Motion of Confidence in the House to show people that none of them went away, that the BJP's Operation Lotus became 'Operation Keechad.'
The ruling Aam Aadmi Party government in Delhi plans to introduce a Confidence Motion in the Assembly on Monday to demonstrate that the BJP's 'Operation Lotus' failed. On Friday, Delhi CM and AAP national convenor Arvind Kejriwal stated that he would like to introduce a 'Confidence Motion in House to show people that not even one went away, that BJP's Operation Lotus became 'Operation keechad.' The Delhi CM made the remarks during a session to discuss what the AAP referred to as the 'BJP's Operation Lotus.'
The Delhi CM on Friday said, "They split up several MLAs as per reports. I received phone calls; asking me if everything was okay. I'd like to introduce a Confidence Motion in the House to demonstrate to people that not one of them went away, that the BJP's Operation Lotus became 'Operation Keechad.'
Previously, Kejriwal claimed that the BJP attempted to bribe 40 MLAs to leave the party to destabilise the ruling AAP government in Delhi. "The BJP was targeting 40 AAP MLAs with a Rs 20 crore offer to switch sides," he added.
Furthermore, he claimed, "We calculated that 277 MLAs had joined their party (BJP); if they gave Rs 20 crore to each MLA, they would have purchased MLAs worth Rs 5,500 crores. That is why there is inflation because they are spending all of the money to buy MLAs at the expense of the common man."
Also, Kejriwal said that the BJP has toppled "several governments in the country to date." "They have toppled governments in Goa, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Assam, MP, Bihar, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, and Meghalaya. In the city, a serial killer is committing one murder after another. People elect a government; they destabilise it," he concluded.
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