Prime Minister Narendra Modi took the first shot of the Coronavirus vaccine at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences today.Later, the Prime Minister tweeted to say, "Took my first dose of the COVID19 vaccine at AIIMS. Remarkable how our doctors & scientists have worked in a quick time to strengthen the global fight against COVID-19. I appeal to all those who are eligible to take the vaccine. Together, let us make India COVID-19 free."There was enough symbolism surrounding the Prime Minister's vaccination.
Takefor instance the Covaxin medicine was administered to Prime Minister Modi by two nurses -- Sister P Niveda from Puducherry and Sister Rosamma Anil from Kerala. The Prime Minister himself was seen sporting an Assamese 'gamcha'.India will today begin the next phase of the world's largest vaccination drive for the age-appropriate population.The vaccination drive will cover the next priority group -- over the age of 60 years and those between 45 and 59 years suffering from pre-specified co-morbidities.All vaccines will be provided free at the government health facilities while private facilities will charge Rs 250 per person per dose. The Rs 250 charge includes Rs 150 for vaccines and Rs 100 as operational charges.