Boost your immunity with these 5 healthy drinks after recovering from COVID-19

The second wave of coronavirus has affected us even dangerously than the first strain. So even if you have recovered from the COVID-19, you need to maintain your immune system.

After recovering from Covid-19, keep track of your immune system. Eat lots of veggies and fruits to strengthen your immunity. But, here are a few healthy drink suggestions that can really help you get your immunity boost up.
Tomato and mint juiceHomemade drink: blend tomato extract, mint and a glass of water together to make this juice. This is rich in anti-oxidant and helps in digestion.
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Carrot, Beet, Amla, Ginger, LemonMake a potion of 2 peeled carrots, 1 beet, 1 amla, 1-inch ginger and a few drops of lemon and drink it. This juice will clean your bowel system and excrete all the toxins from the body.
Sweet lime, PineappleBlend sweet lime pineapple and a few cubes of green apples if you can get them. This juice is rich in Vitamin C; it will benefit your immune system. Add a pinch of rock salt to your juice.
Cucumber, spinach, celery, ginger, lemonGet everything in a blender and blend to get a fine drink that helps in digestion and reduces inflammation.
Turmeric, ginger, lemon and orangeMix turmeric, ginger, lemon and orange together to make a beverage that helps you to fight the virus as it contains anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.NOTE: Asianet News humbly requests everyone to wear masks, sanitize, maintain social distancing and get vaccinated as soon as eligible. Together we can and will break the chain #ANCares #IndiaFightsCorona

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