Sanya Malhotra, known for her captivating dance moves in Sunidhi Chauhan's song Aankh, has recently sparked dating rumors with renowned sitarist Rishab Rikhiram Sharma. Though neither of them has confirmed or denied the relationship, their presence together at recent events has caught the public’s attention.
Photos of the rumored couple have gone viral, fueling speculation. At a recent event, while Rishab posed with a fan, Sanya stood further away, but other photos featuring both of them together with a fan further sparked gossip about their possible romance.
Who is Rishab Sharma
Rishab Sharma, a New York-based sitarist, is also a mental health advocate. He blends classical Indian music with contemporary styles and has performed on prestigious platforms, including at the White House. His music aims to promote mental well-being, showcasing a deep commitment to both art and advocacy.
Sanya, 32, and Rishab, 26, share a six-year age gap. While the actress is focused on her upcoming project, Sunny Sanskari Ki Tulsi Kumari directed by Shashank Khaitan, their rumored relationship adds a personal touch to the actress's already successful career.