Prabhas was spotted in Mumbai a few days back, and the actor is all set for his upcoming big-budget mythological film Adipurush. The film features Kriti Sanon and Sunny Singh and is directed by Om Raut. According to reports, Prabhas will be playing Lord Rama, Kriti Sanon as Sita and Sunny Singh as Laxman.
However, now Om Raut is extremely worried because of Prabhas' overweight and his aged looks. During Prabhas visit to Mumbai, he was clicked by shutterbugs and later posted on their social media pages.
Within minutes, Prabhas' became the victim of trolling because of one lousy click and netizens had their field day because of the actor's no-makeup looks and his considerable weight.
For his role in Adipurush, he needs to be back into shape like he was in his film Baahubali movies. As per reports published in The Hans India, director Om Raut is concerned about Prabhas's looks and weight.
News suggest that Prabhas will be undergoing treatment from a world-class doctor and dietician. This will not be the first time when Prabhas went through body transformation.
Besides, Adipurush Prabhas will be next seen in Radhe Shyam and Salaar. Prabhas also has another pan-India film Project K with Deepika Padukone and Amitabh Bachchan.