Ranbir Kapoor has an exciting year ahead. He is set to feature in Nitesh Tiwari's 'Ramayana' and Sanjay Leela Bhansali's 'Love and War'. He is also preparing to start shooting for YRF's 'Dhoom 4' next year. According to some reports, he will start shooting for this YRF venture in April next year
As reported, Ranbir Kapoor is set to undergo a significant makeover for his role in 'Dhoom4'. It was noted that he is expected to wrap up his ongoing projects before beginning work on the highly anticipated film. The production team is reportedly in the process of finalizing two female leads and an antagonist, with key candidates for the villain's role being considered from the South Indian film industry
In addition to Dhoom 4, Kapoor is also set to appear in Ramayana, a mythological epic directed by Nitesh Tiwari, where he will play the role of Ram. Sai Pallavi and Yash will portray Sita and Ravana, respectively. This film is scheduled for a Diwali release next year
Currently, Kapoor is busy with the romantic drama Love & War, helmed by Sanjay Leela Bhansali. The film, which also stars Alia Bhatt and Vicky Kaushal, is slated to release on March 20, 2026. Moreover, Kapoor has another project, Animal Park, a sequel to the hit film Animal directed by Sandeep Reddy Vanga, lined up for the future