6 reasons why milk is important for a growing child
Milk provides your child with strong and healthy bones; it also aids their overall growth and development. Here are six reasons that explain why you must include milk in a child's diet.

Milk provides children with healthy and strong bones and aids their overall growth and development. Milk has many health benefits for children, including its nutritional content. However, some parents may find getting their children to drink milk challenge. They might have to run around their kids with a glass of milk, or the child may come up with many excuses not to drink it. Milk provides children with strong and healthy bones and aids their overall growth and development. Drinking milk daily also helps children maintain good health. Here are six health benefits of milk for children.
Provides complete nutrition
Milk contains:
- Carbohydrates and fats for energy.
- Proteins for development and repair.
- Several vitamins and minerals that a child needs for growth.
Milk contains calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D, which promotes the healthy development of children’s bones and teeth. Calcium and phosphorus are essential in forming enamel. The coating on the teeth protects them from wear and acids found in food. Casein, a milk protein, can also coat the enamel, preventing the loss of calcium and phosphorus deposits. All three nutrients are beneficial in preventing diseases caused by brittle or weak bones, such as rickets, osteoporosis and osteomalacia.
Immunity boosting: Milk consumption reduces the risk of developing colon cancer and heart disease, according to research. Antioxidants such as selenium, zinc and vitamin E boost your child’s immune system, allowing them to fight infections. Inflammation can be controlled by nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids.
Maintaining blood pressure: Milk contains minerals, such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium, known to lower blood pressure. It also has bioactive peptides and unique proteins that help reduce the same. Ensure your child’s diet is low in salt to avoid high blood pressure.
Hydration: Milk is 87 per cent water, making it an excellent choice for keeping your child hydrated throughout the day, especially after physical activities or exercise.
Benefits of cardiovascular health: Minerals such as magnesium and potassium act as vasodilators, increasing blood flow to the organs. It also lowers the risk of atherosclerosis and other heart conditions. The calcium in milk also improves blood clotting and blood cell function.