Parenting guide: 7 signs and risks of over-pampering children

It’s natural to want to shower your child with love, setting boundaries and encouraging independence are equally important. Here are the seven important signs that you need to spot if you are over pampering and spoiling your child with love. 

Parenting guide: 7 signs and risks of over-pampering children MEG

Parenting is a challenging phase in everyone's life. It is never a straight theory to justify good parenting and bad parenting. But what happens in most of the cases is parents do not realize how their actions and reactions are impacting the child until it's too late. By the time they realize, there's nothing much left to correct for the child. 

Parenting is more than just a phase; it is a journey filled with love, care, and the desire to provide the best for your child, but with a twist. However, there’s a fine line between nurturing and over-pampering your child, which can unintentionally disrupt your child’s growth. Here are seven signs that you might be over-pampering your child with love. 

7 signs and risks of over-pampering children:

You rarely say “no.” 

You might find it difficult to deny your child's requests or demands often. You might consider this action to be out of love, but soon, your child will find it difficult to deal with disappointment and it might impact their conduct in later life. Saying 'no' to your child's demands occasionally helps them build emotional strength. 

You Solve Every Problem for Them

As a parent, you might want to help your children with everything and save them from every minor inconvenience. But if you constantly step in to save them, you are making it difficult for your children to develop problem-solving skills. 

They Struggle with “No” or Rejection: 

If your child is not able to take a NO and starts behaving rudely, you might want to say yes to protect their feelings. But this could make them more stubborn and they might always want things to work out their way. This can be problematic to their future. 

They Lack Basic Life Skills

Over-pampered children may not be able to learn the age-appropriate tasks, such as tying shoelaces or cleaning up after themselves. You might want to help your child with everything, but this can end up being problematic when they go to school or further. They may find it difficult to do their chores. 

They Expect Special Treatment

Overpampering leads to a sense of entitlement that makes them feel self-obsessed and self-centered. They assume that they get everything without effort, and they can develop rude and toxic behaviors with age.

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They Avoid Responsibilities

Overpampering the child can make them think that they can get everything done by others. Then they avoid taking responsibility eventually and expect others to be responsible for them too, leading to excessive dependence. 

They Lack Gratitude

Over-pampered children may take acts of kindness or gifts for granted, and they grow up without gratitude, thinking this is the normal thing, and they end up showing little appreciation.

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