Dog takes on IS attackers, saves British SAS soldiers

The Alsatian was travelling with the group of British soldiers, who were returning from a training programme for the Kurdish Peshmerga fighters in northern Iraq. According to the British paper, Daily Star Sunday, a SAS team, which was also accompanied by an American soldier and his dog were ambushed by the ISIS terrorists.
The Sunni radical militants had the SAS team pinned down from all sides. With air support still far away, the SAS team had taken shelter behind the convoy but two ISIS terrorists on a Toyota SUV with mounted machines guns were closing in on their position.
At this point, the American soldier unleashed the Alsatian, who showing much bravado charged straight at the ISIS men. The US army dog dodged bullets and went straight for the neck of an Isis fighter. It ripped off the fighters neck and face, and after this, it slashed on the legs and hands of the second ISIS militant.
The Isis fighters reportedly abandoned the vehicle and fled the scene howling. The dog then returned to its handler, and by then the air support also had arrived.