Doctor's Advice: You can't cheat while on Keto diet
A ketogenic diet is a very low carb, moderate protein and high-fat diet and provides many benefits if done rightly. Here's Nabanita Saha, chief clinical dietician at the Manipal Hospitals, giving you a lowdown on Keto diet.

In a ketogenic diet, one’s metabolism changes where it starts using fat for the energy instead of using carbs, this process is known as gluconeogenesis. In a ketogenic diet, the distribution of macronutrient will be like carbs-5 to 10 %, protein 15%, fats-75-80% of your total energy.

One needs to cut down on most of the carbs containing food groups like cereals, pulses, beans, roots and tubers, most of the fruits and dairy, sweets, bakery products, packed or processed foods etc.
One is allowed low carb flours, green leafy and some low carb vegetables, a small number of fruits like berries and avocado, full-fat Greek yoghurt, with skin poultry and full-fat meats, fish, eggs etc. Also, they need to add high-fat food such as healthy oils like coconut oil, butter, ghee, cream, nuts etc.
Also, it's important to calculate your macronutrients rightly before starting a Keto diet, preferably take a professional dietician help who have an experience with the Keto diet. Who can explain about Keto diet properly like Keto flu, cheat days, what your blood/ urine ketone levels mean etc.?
Firstly, I will advise doing 24 hours fasting a day before starting a Keto diet, also ensuring you take plenty of water or zero carb fluids like black coffee or tea, green or herbal tea, unsweetened lemon juice, bone broth etc.
Secondly, add a multivitamin or food which are rich in vitamins or minerals or add the prescribed amount of Himalaya pink salt so you don't have a mineral deficiency.
Thirdly, keep a low profile in terms of physical activity and give yourself enough rest during the initial days when you will be suffering from Keto flu.
Fourthly, eat small frequent meals, drink 3 litres or more of fluid, sleep 8 hours and do your exercises regularly as prescribed by your dietician.
Keto diet is very beneficial especially for those who are having morbid obesity and losing initially some weight is important for them to start some physical activity, which is otherwise impossible because of their overweight. Also, who are diagnosed as pre-diabetic or hypertensive and weight loss can reverse their condition.
Also, it is a good diet for those who choose it for 3-6 months to bring lifestyle management in terms of eating healthy and nutritious food as well been disciplined with their exercise regime. As this diet focuses on including healthy unprocessed food and eliminated all junk, sugar-loaded unhealthy foodstuffs it can be beneficial who follow it properly keeping their expectations right.
High energy levels, alertness, positivity, sound sleep, regular bowel movements, better blood sugar control and weight loss are some of the benefits of a keto diet. Keto diet is strict and there is no doubt about it.
Eliminating so many food groups can lead to vitamin and mineral deficiency if not supplemented properly. Also, when someone tries a Keto diet without professional guidance, he/she can end up doing more harm than any benefit. It's very difficult to recognise if you entered ketosis or not and which level you reach.
Also, if you try to do a cheat day there is a high chance you will be out of Keto and you have to go all the way to start it again. Again for vegetarians is very difficult and they can end up having very low protein.
One can also find it difficult while travelling as you may not get enough options and because of all the restrictions, your options are very limited. Keto flu, stagnant weight, severe constipation, body rashes, low energy levels are some of the side effects when you keep switching between Keto and don't do it rightly.