The accused driver, who is identified as Deepak Rao, allegedly took her phone on pretext of checking OTP and started driving towards wrong direction. After receiving a complaint from the victim, the police checked the CCTV footage from the area and arrested the accused.
In a horrifying incident, a young woman jumped off a moving motorbike in Bengaluru to escape from an alleged molestation by a Rapido rider, reports said. A video of the incident has gone viral on social media platforms.
The accused driver, who is identified as Deepak Rao, allegedly took her phone on pretext of checking OTP and started driving towards wrong direction. After receiving a complaint from the victim, the police checked the CCTV footage from the area and arrested the accused.
: a 30yr old female architect in Bengaluru jumped off from bike to save herself from the drunk rider of .
Deepak Rao(28) a bike rider took her phone on pretext of checking OTP and started moving in wrong direction.
He also grobed her..
He has been sent to judicial custody. The incident occurred on April 21, when at around 11pm the woman booked a Rapido bike to reach Indiranagar in the city. The accused after taking her phone started to move towards Doddaballapur Road instead of Indiranagar.
According to the young woman architect, she suspected the driver is taking her to the wrong location and asked her about it. The woman and her friend said the bike driver was speeding at 60kmph.
The woman also snatched her phone upon realising the driver was drunk, but when he sped the bike even more, she had to jump off near the BMS Institute of Technology and Management (BMSIT).
Meanwhile, some other details about the incident came to the fore. It is reportedly said that the bike driver had registered a Honda Activa with the Rapido application but he came to pick the woman up on a Bajaj Pulsar.