Karnataka's Deputy Chief Minister, DK Shivakumar, announced no tax increase for Bengaluru residents but plans a property survey. With population growth and traffic issues, expert teams will seek solutions. Public input is crucial for shaping Brand Bengaluru, with a focus on traffic, tax collection, waste segregation, and water supply improvements.
Karnataka’s Deputy Chief Minister and Bengaluru Urban Development Minister DK Shivakumar recently announced that there won't be any tax increase for Bengaluru residents, despite efforts to boost the city's image. However, there are plans for a thorough property survey in the city.
During a press conference following the Brand Bengaluru event, Shivakumar discussed the city's changes. With a population of 1.40 crore and 3 lakh new families each year, there's a growing demand for resources, including water. To tackle traffic issues, eight teams have been formed to seek expert advice and solutions across different zones.
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Shivakumar stressed the importance of public input in shaping Brand Bengaluru, emphasizing that taxes won't go up. Instead, there will be a comprehensive property survey to correct errors and digitize records. To address the notorious traffic, funds will be allocated for metro and tunnel construction. BBMP will handle Rajkaluve-related issues independently to prevent problems in the IT corridor.
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The government also plans to gather public opinions on school timing changes and reduce waste sorting and burning. Traffic management, tax collection, and waste segregation are top priorities.
Efforts to improve water supply include upgrading 20 Sewage Treatment Plant units in Cauvery's 5th stage, benefiting 110 villages. The BDA will soon provide automatic approval licenses for property development, with registered architects creating the plans. Shivakumar encouraged the public to use the Helpline for complaints and mentions related to each Ward committee overseeing playground and park initiatives.