PM Modi gifts silver train to US President Joe Biden, Pashmina to Jill Biden

First Published Sep 23, 2024, 1:56 PM IST

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi presented unique gifts to US President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden during his US visit. Find out what these special gifts were and their significance.

Narendra Modi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi is once again receiving praise from Indians. His foreign trips remind us of a poet's words, 'Wherever you go, whatever you step on, whatever position you hold, whoever you are... praise your motherland, India, and uphold the dignity of your nation.' On every foreign visit, the Prime Minister promotes Indian culture, traditions, and arts, bringing them international recognition. In other words, Modi is acting as a brand ambassador for the country.
During his recent visit to the United States, Prime Minister Modi made an effort to promote Indian arts. He used the US President's residence as a platform for this. While honouring US President Joe Biden, he also showcased India's prowess and introduced its arts to the international community. His initiative is commendable to all Indians. 

PM Modi's Gift to the US President : 

As part of his three-day US visit, he left for America from New Delhi on Saturday morning (September 21). The Indian Prime Minister received an unprecedented welcome and honor upon his arrival in the United States. US President Joe Biden personally hosted PM Modi at his private residence in Wilmington. 

On this occasion, Prime Minister Modi presented rare artifacts crafted by Indian artisans to Biden and his wife. The items gifted by PM Modi to the US President are unique, sparking discussions about the art form. Many are trying to learn about this art and how it is made.  

He presented US President Joe Biden with a silver model of a train. This can be considered a rare honour bestowed upon Indian handicrafts. Some artists from Maharashtra create stunning artifacts from silver. This ancient art, passed down through generations, is still practiced by a few... The train model presented by PM Modi to Biden is a testament to the hard work and craftsmanship of these artists.

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There is another reason behind gifting this memento made of pure silver to the US President. It's an attempt to showcase the greatness of our railway system on an international platform. With a single gift, PM Modi promoted both our handicrafts and the Indian Railways. 

Moreover, this silver train engine memento also symbolizes the India-US relationship. The train memento bears the inscription 'New Delhi - Delaware' on one side. While New Delhi is the capital of India, Delaware is a state in the United States. On the other side of the train memento, it reads 'Indian Railways.'  

PM Modi's Gift to Mrs. Biden :  

Prime Minister Modi presented a unique gift not only to US President Joe Biden but also to his wife, Jill Biden. He gifted her a 'Pashmina' shawl, known for its exceptional quality and exquisite handloom designs, made in Jammu and Kashmir, India. 

This shawl is made from the special wool of Ladakh's Changthangi goat. This extremely soft wool is very rare. Therefore, Pashmina shawls made from it are in high demand. Moreover, the entire process, from spinning the wool into yarn to the skilled artisans weaving it by hand, is unique. These shawls, with their various artistic designs, look very special and also protect from the cold. 

These Pashmina shawls have now become a status symbol in India. These expensive shawls are used only by the wealthy. By gifting Jill Biden these Pashmina shawls, which are a symbol of the artistic splendor of Jammu and Kashmir, Prime Minister Modi brought them international recognition. The people of India are appreciating Prime Minister Modi for introducing Indian arts to foreign countries. 

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