Why you should skip rice at night: Health risks and the ideal time to eat

First Published Sep 25, 2024, 7:11 PM IST

Eating rice excessively every day can significantly increase the chances of weight gain. Additionally, consuming rice at night may lead to an increased likelihood of experiencing colds and coughs. So, is it okay to eat rice at night? Who should avoid it? Let's delve into these aspects now.

White rice

In our country, rice, particularly white rice, is a staple food. We prepare a wide variety of recipes using rice, not just as plain rice but also as Pulihora, Pulao, Biryani, and many more. Cooking rice is quite easy for us, which often leads to overconsumption. Eating rice gives us a feeling of fullness, and it provides our body with essential energy due to its high carbohydrate content. Moreover, it contains various minerals like protein, calcium, magnesium, iron, and potassium.

Disadvantages of eating rice at night... White rice is high in carbohydrates, which our body breaks down into glucose for energy production. When you eat rice at night, your body doesn't require as much energy, leading to increased glucose levels and subsequent fat storage. While fiber-rich foods aid digestion, consuming rice without sufficient fiber can contribute to fat accumulation. The glycemic index (GI) of rice varies depending on the type. Some white rice varieties have a high GI, causing a rapid spike in blood sugar levels. On the other hand, brown rice has a lower GI.

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Is it good to eat rice at night? For some individuals, moderate rice consumption may not be harmful. However, as mentioned earlier, white rice has a high GI, leading to rapid blood sugar spikes. This not only contributes to weight gain but also increases the risk of other diseases. Additionally, rice has a cooling effect on the body. Eating rice at night can make the body cold, potentially leading to colds. Some people also complain of facial puffiness in the morning.

Gas, acidity, and indigestion can also cause bloating.

People who should avoid eating rice at night... *People with diabetes...* As we've discussed, rice raises blood sugar levels, so people with diabetes should avoid it. Opting for brown rice in moderation is a better choice. *Those trying to lose weight...* If weight loss is your goal, avoid high-carbohydrate foods like rice at night. Instead, focus on a light dinner rich in protein and fiber, which will keep you feeling full without the extra calories from carbohydrates. *People with a sedentary lifestyle...* Fitness is crucial for the body, but many people today lead sedentary lives. Those who spend long hours lying down or sitting should also limit their rice intake. Excessive rice consumption can lead to fat accumulation and indigestion in such individuals. It's best to consume rice in moderation and avoid high-carbohydrate foods, especially before bedtime.

The best time to eat rice is during the afternoon. This is because your body requires the most energy during this time to carry out daily activities. You can also have rice for breakfast if you prefer. It's best to avoid it at night. Eating rice in the morning or afternoon provides the body with the necessary energy.

After a workout... After exercising, your body needs to replenish its glycogen stores, and rice is an excellent choice for this. A meal containing rice after a workout helps boost energy and aid muscle recovery. While it's essential to have a nutritious dinner, opting for a light meal is advisable as heavy meals take longer to digest, putting extra strain on your body. Additionally, consuming cold foods at night can increase Kapha dosha. It's best to have a warm dinner.

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