Bollywood actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan's personal life has been in the news more than her professional life. The Bollywood affair that will never get old with time, is the one involving Salman Khan, Aishwarya Rai and Vivek Oberoi. While discussing Aishwarya's relationship and controversies, nobody forgets her alleged affair with Vivek Oberoi.
Yes, everybody knows that after break up with Salman Khan, Aishwarya Rai had allegedly dated Vivek Oberoi. But, the actress never accepted her relationship with Vivek Oberoi or disclosed the reason behind her break-up!
We have brought this interesting throwback interview of a source (close to Aishwarya), who had thrown much light on what happened between her and Vivek.
A source who claimed to be Aishwarya Rai's close friend, in an old interview to TOI, had revealed why the former Miss World never confirmed her relationship with Vivek. He said, "She has always stood by Vivek as a friend. They've attended award shows and charitable functions as a couple, travelled together in India and abroad and have also worked together in Kyon... Ho Gaya Na, which was directed by Vivek's friend Sameer Karnick."
The source had further added, "Ash had categorically told Vivek that she is not going to marry him. Ash did talk to Vivek about breaking off the relationship. The reason for their breakup is best known to them. And no, she doesn't owe any clarification to the media."
The source had further said, "I know the reason for the breakup but would not like to comment on it since it's personal. She likes Vivek as a friend and she doesn't want to say anything negative about him. But then, if Vivek chooses to hallucinate about a relationship that was long over, it isn't Ash's fault, is it?"
Moreover, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan is successfully married to Abhishek Bachchan, she never corrected her relationships with Salman Khan and Vivek Oberoi.