Aishwarya Rai shares birthday photos of Aaradhya. Aaradhya turned 13 this year. There's has been constant rumours floating aroung surrounding the divorce of Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya. Abhishek even skipped wishing Aishwarya on her birthday on social media. Abhishek even skipped wishing Aaradhya on social media. This raised further eyebrows regarding the health of the marriage. Only Amitabh Bachchan wished his granddaughter Aaradhya on her birthday from the Bachchan family on social media. Aishwarya however, couple of days later gave a glimpse into her daughter birthday celebration
Sharing the pictures on Instagram, she wrote, 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2 THE ETERNAL LOVE OF MY LIFE dearest Daddy-Ajjaa and my darling Aaradhya MY HEART… MY SOUL… FOREVER AND BEYOND'. She expressed her love for the eternal loves of her life. She honoured her father Krishnaraj Rai who passed away in 2017 after battling cancer
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan commemorated her daughter Aaradhya's 13th birthday with a heartfelt Instagram post. Sharing memorable photos, Aishwarya highlighted moments of warmth and love. Among the images was a touching photo of Aaradhya bowing before a portrait of her late grandfather, Krishnaraj Rai, as well as a throwback picture of Aishwarya holding a newborn Aaradhya. The post also featured glimpses of a glittering birthday celebration in Mumbai, emphasizing the milestone. Aaradhya officially became a teenager
Fans quickly noticed the absence of Abhishek Bachchan and other members of the Bachchan family from the celebrations. Social media comments questioned their whereabouts, with some suggesting possible strain in Aishwarya and Abhishek’s marriage. Despite the buzz, neither has commented on the matter, maintaining their privacy amidst public speculation
On the professional front, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan was last seen in Mani Ratnam's Ponniyin Selvan: 1. The historical drama, based on Kalki Krishnamurthy’s novel, showcased her in dual roles, earning critical acclaim for her performance. The film’s success further solidified her position as one of Indian cinema’s enduring icons