After previous appearances alongside Kollywood bigshots Ajith and Dhanush, Manju Warrier has shaken hands for a third venture in Tamil cinema, this time on Manu Anand’s ‘Mr.X’ alongside Arya and Gautham Karthik. By Mahalekshmi
Topping every list of success and popularity in the Malayalam film industry is actress Manju Warrier, who has, with her significantly colourful career, entertained and won the hearts of countless audiences across the country. By walking a path she forged on her own, Warrier has now signed her next Tamil film and it is to be the new projected helmed by Manu Anand titled Mr.X, starring Arya and Gautham Karthik.
Manju Warrier’s entry onboard the project was officially announced by the production company Prince Pictures, who are bankrolling the project, on their twitter. Along with the announcement was also attached an official reveal photo of Manju Warrier’s look in the film, a first-look poster that showed Warrier in an elegant saree, seated in a chair with her head resting lightly on her hand.
The tweet read, ‘Elated to announce - @ManjuWarrier4 comes onboard #MrX. Starring @arya_offl and @Gautham_Karthik. Directed by @itsmanuanand.’
Elated to announce - comes onboard .
Starring and .
Directed by .
Welcome on-board maam, looking forward to working with you! 😁— Gautham Karthik (@Gautham_Karthik)
Although the actress received several project offers from the Tamil film industry after her incredible comeback to cinema, it took her a significant while to say yes and that was with director Vetrimaran on ‘Asuran’ alongside Dhanush, a performance that won her a National award. In the beginning of this year, she was seen opposite Ajith is her second Tamil film ‘Thunivu’, and with her new project, Mr.X shall be her third.
About Mr.X
The film shall witness actors Arya and Gautham Karthik up against each other and this will be their first time sharing screen together. The movie is to be an action drama, bankrolled by Prince Pictures under the direction of Manu Anand and cinematography by Tanveer Mir. It is expected to release in 2024, with high anticipation