Dengue situation worsens in Karnataka

dengue karnataka mysuru

Out of the 1,094 dengue affected villages in Karnataka, Chief Minister Sidaramaiah's district of Mysuru has notably reported 108 dengue positive cases while over 1000 are suspected to be infected with the disease. 

According to National Vector Borne Disease Control Programme (NVBDCP) report, 745 cases have been tested positive for dengue from January to May 2016. Sources from the department reveal that the number of positive cases increased after the pre-monsoon showers and that officials fear that the numbers will shoot up once the monsoon starts. 

"There is adequate surveillance and many cases have come to light. Since there is no preventive medicine, advanced and symptomatic treatment is being given. Primary health centres, taluk hospitals and district hospitals have been directed to screen fever cases for the symptoms of dengue. If a case is detected, details of the patient are taken and about 100 houses in the surrounding are tested to detect dengue," said Joint Director of NVBDCP, Dr Prakash BG 


Pushing prevention over cure, officials further advised citizens to cover open water containers/tanks, dust exposed areas with bleaching powder and introduce small fish like the guppy into lakes since they thrive on the dengue larvae. For people affected by the disease, symptomatic treatment and rest is advised.


Aravind Limbavalli, former Karnataka health minister and BJP General Secretary, who claims to have witnessed many cases from Bengaluru and his constituency of Mahadevapura, accused the Karnataka health minister UT Khader of vacationing in Daman during this outbreak.


"When I approached the health minister, I was told he is on a tour. When the department is not capable of containing the dengue fever spread in CM's home district of Mysuru then how will they manage to contain the spread in other districts in the state?” Limbavalli asked. 


Limbavalli further mentioned that the state government should also ensure availability of platelets and suggested treatment like Ayurveda and homoeopathy for increasing platelets count among patients. 


When Asianet Newsable contacted the health minister Khader's personnel secretary for confirmation, we were also told that the minister was in Daman currently.

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