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Kerala: Over 400 cases of water-borne disease identified in Kochi's DLF apartment

In the DLF apartments in Kakkanad, Kochi, approximately 441 residents reported symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, and fever over two weeks. Following this health crisis, which attracted attention from government officials, a health team conducted investigations.

Kerala: 441 cases of water borne disease diarrhoea vomiting identified in Kochi's DLF flat apartment anr
First Published Jun 19, 2024, 9:48 AM IST

Kochi: The Health Department reported that 441 individuals residing in DLF apartments at Kakkanad had experienced symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, and fever over the last 14 days.

A meeting between the Health team and members of the flat association was held at the apartment complex. It was discovered that the sources of water used in the apartments included the Kerala Water Authority, borewell, open well, rainwater harvesting, and tanker lorry. After undergoing purification, water from these sources was stored together in overhead tanks within each building of the apartment complex. The Health department communicated that samples from these tanks were collected and sent for chemical and biological examination.

Residents of the apartments were instructed to exclusively use boiled water. Additionally, they were provided with ORS (Oral Rehydration Solution) and zinc supplements for their health needs. The health department identified 102 active cases exhibiting symptoms like vomiting, diarrhea, and fever, with five individuals admitted to various hospitals for treatment.

On Tuesday, the DLF apartment complex, comprising approximately 1,268 flat units and housing around 6,000 residents, saw significant activity from the health department following the alleged under-reported health crisis, which drew attention from the minister.

Efforts are underway to coordinate among different departments to manage the outbreak and expedite relief efforts. Authorities are currently reviewing the logbook of tanker water supplies in the apartment complex to determine the water sources.

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