Mystery continues over cycle polo player Nida Fathima's death; Final autopsy report awaited
Even after three months, the question of how Nida died still remains. The authorities who should take action are still silent.

Alappuzha: The post-mortem report of school student Nida Fatima, who died under mysterious circumstances during the National Cycle Polo Championship in Nagpur, is still not out. Even after three months, the question of how Nida died still remains. The authorities who should take action are still silent.
Nida Fathima, a 10-year-old cycle polo player from the Alappuzha district, died in Nagpur in December last year. According to reports, Nida felt sick after eating and began constantly throwing up. She was brought to Nagpur's Krishna Hospital, where she received an injection. Soon after, she died.
A postmortem was conducted at Nagpur Medical College under the expert team. Two weeks later, relatives were given an eight-page preliminary autopsy report that did not specify the cause of death. The preliminary report stated that the cause of death could only be ascertained after the forensic examination of the internal organs. Months later, the authorities have not produced a final report.
The family suspects that problems related to the injection led to the death of Nida, who was perfectly healthy, and the family also suspects that the authorities of Krishna Hospital, where Nida was treated, are concealing reality.
Nida Fathima was to take part in the under-14 competition of the National Cycle Polo Championship, and she was a member of the Kerala Cycle Polo Association. P Sivakumar, a former captain of the Indian cycle polo team, claimed that Kerala's team was not accommodated by the National Cycle Polo Championship's organisers.
Kerala had written to the Maharashtra government to conduct a thorough inquiry into the death of Nida Fathima. Sports Minister V Abdurahiman had then told the media, "We have written a mail to the Maharashtra Chief Minister and sports minister to conduct a thorough inquiry into the unfortunate demise of Nida Fathima. Alappuzha collector has also spoken to his counterpart in Nagpur."