Karnataka: Pet parrots charged Rs 444 from Bengaluru to Mysuru in KSRTC
As per KSRTC rules, passengers are required to purchase half tickets for pets and birds. The passengers who fails to buy the ticket have to pay a fine of 10 percent as per rules. T
The state-owned KSRTC (Karnataka State Road Transport Corportaon) charged ahefty sum of Rs 444 for carrying four parrots from Bangaluru to Mysuru. The video of the incident went viral on social media. The grandmother and child who was carrying the parrot travelled to Mysuru at 8 am on Wednesday.
The two passenger were given free ticket under Shakti Yojana, wheres as parrot were ticketed at a price of Rs 444, amounting to Rs 111 for each bird. The passengers aboard a bus captured and shared a heartwarming scene of a grandmother and granddaughter seated in the middle of the bus surrounded by lovebirds. Under the Shakti Yojana, the conductor treated the grandmother and granddaughter as adults, granting them free travel tickets.
As per KSRTC rules, passengers are required to purchase half tickets for pets and birds. The passengers who fails to buy the ticket have to pay a fine of 10 percent as per rules. The officials stated that if conductorsfail to issue half tickets for pets, there is a possibility of filing a criminal case and suspending the conductor for misappropariation of KSRTC funds.