Want to maintain a full diet? Avoid these 5 healthy food staples if you don't wish to gain weight
Working out at the gym, doing different yoga can reduce your calorie and fat, but you have to follow a proper diet to maintain it.
A proper diet includes a lot of ingredients but also lets you avoid alot of junk food. But do you know there are food items which we think are healthy to add to a diet only to fall for gaining weight within a week?
Soaked almonds are very healthy, but it contains fat which will help to increase weight.
Granola is a fibre rich breakfast food that is very healthy, but if you want to follow diet, do not add it. It contains sugar and oil, which helps in weight gain.
Did you know avocado contains beneficial fats? Do you add avocado to your diet? Then avoid it.
Smoothies are very healthy and tasty. But it contains sugar, so you should avoid it from your breakfast diet. It increases the calorie intake in the body, leading to weight gain.
Agave Syrup
Agave Syrup is an alternative to sugar and honey. This syrup has fructose affecting metabolism, causing weight gain.