Last-minute travel? IRCTC current ticket booking makes it easy!
Discover how to secure a confirmed train ticket just minutes before departure with Indian Railways' current ticket booking service. Learn about availability, booking process, and cost benefits compared to Tatkal tickets.

IRCTC Current Ticket Booking
Indian Railways provides many types of facilities to facilitate the journey of passengers. Crores of people travel by train every day in the country. In such a situation, booking train tickets and getting confirmed seats is a big problem for the passengers. During the festive season, it becomes very difficult to get confirmed train tickets. That's why people book months in advance. But if someone has to go somewhere urgently, then Tatkal ticket booking is the only way. However, for this too, you have to book (Tatkal booking time) 1 day before where you want to go.
IRCTC Current Ticket Booking
Getting a Tatkal ticket (Tatkal booking) is not that easy, as soon as the Tatkal window opens, general passengers try to book Tatkal. But the very next minute, booking agents book all the Tatkal tickets. Not only this, passengers have to pay Tatkal (Tatkal Ticket Price) or Premium Tatkal (Premium Tatkal Ticket Price) charges by leaving general tickets.
IRCTC Current Ticket Booking
You can get a confirmed ticket shortly before the train departs
But, did you know that you can travel with a confirmed ticket a few minutes before the train departs? Yes, through current ticket booking, you can easily travel by sitting on a vacant seat on the train at the last moment. This is a railway rule, which most people are not aware of.
Today, we will tell you how to avail the current ticket (IRCTC Current Booking) service of Railways to travel in the train in case of emergency. So let us tell you about the current ticket (Current Ticket Booking Online) service of Railways.
IRCTC Current Ticket Booking
What is a current train ticket and how to book it?
Railways has started the current ticket booking service in an attempt to avoid running trains with vacant seats in advance booking coaches. Current tickets are issued before the departure of the train. You must have seen many times that some seats remain vacant in the train. To ensure that these seats do not remain vacant and those who want to travel can get confirmed tickets, the facility of booking these seats has been made.
IRCTC Current Ticket Booking
Current Ticket Booking Time and Charges
Current tickets can be booked both online and offline. Current train ticket availability can be easily checked on the official website of IRCTC or 3-4 hours before the departure of the train, at the railway ticket booking counter i.e. ticket counters.
Generally, current ticket booking starts four hours before the departure of the train. You can get a current ticket only if seats are vacant in the advance booking coaches of the train. This ticket is very useful in case of emergencies.
The special thing about the current ticket is that it can be booked 5-10 minutes before the departure of the train. It is easier to get a confirmed ticket through current ticket booking time than getting a Tatkal ticket. One good thing about current ticket is that it is Rs 10-20 less than the normal ticket.