TSSPDCL 2022: Admit card released; know how to download
Candidates who plan to take the exam on July 17, 2022, can view and download their admit card at tssouthernpower.com.

TSSPDCL admit card 2022 for the Assistant Engineer exam has been released by the Southern Power Distribution Company of Telangana Limited. Candidates who plan to take the exam on July 17, 2022, can view and download their admit card at tssouthernpower.com. To access their admit card, candidates must enter their Candidate ID and date of birth. Candidates can also access their admit cards through the website.
TSSPDCL will hold a written test for Assistant Engineer recruitment on July 17. The test will be 100 marks long and consist of 100 multiple-choice questions, each worth one mark.
There will be two sections to the written test. Section A will include 80 questions on core technical subjects, while Section B will consist of 20 questions on general awareness, numerical ability, and Telangana culture and movement history. The written examination will last two hours (120 minutes).
Here's how to download the TSSPDCL admit card 2022:
1) Go to the website, tssouthernpower.com
2) On the homepage, go to the designated admit card link
3) On a new login page, key in the credentials such as Candidate ID and date of birth and submit
4) The admit card will appear on the screen
5) Check the details and download the card
6) Take a printout
An official notification explained the TSSPDCL selection process: "Candidates for appointment will be chosen entirely based on written examinations. If there is a tie in written exam marks, the candidate with the older age will be ranked higher. In the event of a tie, the marks obtained in Part-A will be used to determine the rank."
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