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World's first head transplant system: US-based startup's spine-chilling, graphic video shocks Internet (WATCH)

By Sunita IyerFirst Published May 22, 2024, 2:44 PM IST

At the heart of BrainBridge's revolutionary procedure lies the concept of transplanting a patient's head onto a healthy, brain-dead donor body, with the ambitious goal of preserving consciousness, memories, and cognitive abilities.

In a groundbreaking revelation that has stirred both awe and controversy, BrainBridge, a pioneering neuroscience and biomedical engineering startup based in the United States, has unveiled its audacious mission to develop the world's first head transplant system. The startling announcement comes accompanied by a spine-chilling video depicting the simulated procedure, wherein two autonomous surgical robots seamlessly transfer a human head from one robotic body to another.

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While reminiscent of scenes from a sci-fi thriller, BrainBridge asserts that its endeavor is firmly grounded in scientific pursuit, aimed at offering a ray of hope to patients afflicted with seemingly insurmountable conditions such as stage-4 cancer, paralysis, and debilitating neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.

🤖 BrainBridge, the first head transplant system, uses robotics and AI for head and face transplants, offering hope to those with severe conditions like stage-4 cancer and neurodegenerative diseases…

— Tansu Yegen (@TansuYegen)

At the heart of BrainBridge's revolutionary procedure lies the concept of transplanting a patient's head onto a healthy, brain-dead donor body, with the ambitious goal of preserving consciousness, memories, and cognitive abilities. This ambitious vision has ignited a firestorm of reactions across social media platforms, with users expressing a spectrum of sentiments ranging from awe to apprehension.

Critics have raised ethical concerns, cautioning against the hubris of attempting to tamper with what some perceive as the domain of a higher power. "Can't possibly imagine this being used unethically," remarked one user, encapsulating the sentiments of many who view such advancements with skepticism. Another voiced apprehension, stating, "Can't compete with God the creator."

Moreover, questions have arisen regarding the accessibility and equity of such groundbreaking medical interventions, with apprehensions that such procedures might only be accessible to the affluent elite. "This probably would be only available for the rich," remarked a user, underscoring concerns about potential disparities in access to cutting-edge medical technologies.

Despite the fervent debates raging across social media platforms, BrainBridge remains undeterred in its pursuit of pushing the boundaries of medical science. Led by Hashem Al-Ghaili, the project lead at BrainBridge, the company outlines an intricate roadmap for the realization of its ambitious vision. High-speed robotic systems are envisioned to mitigate brain cell degradation and ensure seamless compatibility between the transplanted head and donor body. Advanced AI algorithms are slated to guide surgical robots in the delicate reconnection of the spinal cord, nerves, and blood vessels.

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Integral to the success of the procedure is BrainBridge's proprietary chemical adhesive and polyethylene glycol, designed to facilitate the reconnection of severed neurons. Al-Ghaili emphasizes that every facet of the BrainBridge concept is underpinned by extensive scientific research, with a steadfast commitment to advancing medical science and offering innovative solutions to those grappling with life-threatening conditions.

"If results of feasibility studies are positive," Al-Ghaili asserts, "the first such surgery could be performed within eight years."

BrainBridge's ambitious endeavor marks a bold leap into uncharted territory, underscoring the indomitable spirit of human ingenuity in the face of formidable challenges. As the world watches with bated breath, the trajectory of medical science stands poised on the precipice of unprecedented breakthroughs, offering glimmers of hope to those in the throes of adversity.

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