An incident at Benniganahalli Metro station in Bengaluru raised concerns about women's safety. A college girl was harassed by an intoxicated man on the station's skywalk. Though reluctant to file a formal complaint, the man was apprehended. Passengers demand increased security measures, including more personnel at metro stations.
An incident near the Benniganahalli Metro station in Bengaluru has raised concerns about the safety of women using the metro system, prompting demands for increased security measures. The incident near the Benniganahalli Metro station has highlighted the pressing issue of women's safety in public spaces. The incident involved an intoxicated man allegedly behaving inappropriately towards a college girl on the skywalk of the station, sparking outrage among passengers.
The incident occurred as the student crossed Old Madras Road via the foot overbridge connected to the metro station. Upon reaching the escalator, she approached a security guard to report the misconduct of a man who had followed and harassed her. Metro staff promptly apprehended the accused, who confessed to the police upon questioning.
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Despite the seriousness of the incident, the young woman expressed reluctance to file a formal complaint. Metro officials clarified that she was not a metro passenger but had been using the skywalk solely to cross the road.
Passengers, however, have voiced their concerns over the incident, calling for increased security measures to prevent such occurrences. Many have emphasized the need for more security personnel at metro stations to ensure the safety of women.