Media reports suggest that the Delhi Police spoke with the employees of the Gurugram call center where Aaftab used to work. They told them he was sacked around the same time the woman was murdered.
The country was shaken when news broke that a 28-year-old Aaftab Amin Poonawala was arrested for allegedly killing his live-in partner Shraddha Walker, chopping her body into pieces and scattering them across Delhi’s Mehrauli forest over 18 days.
In latest developments, the Delhi Police on Thursday took the statements of the employees of a call center in Gurugram, where Aaftab Poonawala used to work. Police sources claim that Poonawala's interactions with female employees were inappropriate. Because to his poor behaviour, he was fired.
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He was sacked around the time she was killed because of his behavior. He was also very irregular to work. He admitted during questioning that he had been seeing another lady after killing Walker and had taken her home while Shraddha's body was still in the refrigerator.
To mask the odour coming from Shraddha's body, he would burn incense and spray room freshener about the apartment. The victim and the accused used to argue about money, the accused has admitted to the police. They had been arguing about who would travel to Mumbai to pick up their belongings.
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Gruesome facts of the murder and how he concealed it for more than five months have finally come to light after he was apprehended by the Delhi Police. He bought a fridge to store the parts of his live-in spouse and used incense sticks to keep the nasty stench at bay. Aaftab Poonawala and Shraddha Walker had been arguing about a trip to Mumbai that neither of them wanted to take before Poonawala murdered Walker on May 18. They had reportedly just relocated from Mumbai to Delhi after quitting their jobs and were struggling to make ends meet.
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