A court in Delhi gave permission to the police to conduct a polygraph test on Aaftab Poonawala, who has been accused of murdering his live-in partner Shraddha Walker in Delhi. After killing Shraddha, Aaftab allegedly chopped her body into 35 pieces and disposed of it over the next 18 days.
The Delhi Police was given permission to conduct a polygraph test on Aaftab Poonawala, the accused in the Shraddha Walker murder case, as per sources. A lie detector test is another name for a polygraph. Sensitive electrodes and cardio-cuffs are applied to the test subject during this procedure. While the subject is being questioned specifically, the devices measure and record the subject's blood pressure, blood flow, pulse, respiration, breathing patterns, skin conductivity, sweat, and arm and leg movement.
When giving dishonest replies (or lying), a person's body reacts differently than when he or she is telling the truth. The investigators keep an eye on the subject's physical changes, breathing patterns, and heart rates.
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And now, according to sources with the Delhi Police, they have been granted the go-ahead to test Aaftab Poonawala's polygraph. Reports suggest that the Central Bureau of Investigation's Central Forensic Science Laboratory has been tasked with examining the bones and other items of evidence in the murder and dismemberment of Shraddha Walker. The Forensic Science Laboratory in Rohini will conduct the polygraph and narcoanalysis tests.
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Aftab Poonawala spent Rs 20,000 to have his possessions moved from his apartment in Maharashtra's Palghar district to Delhi in 37 boxes in June, a police officer said on Monday. According to police sources, Poonawala informed Delhi Police that before relocating to the capital, he and Walker quarrelled about who would pay to move the belongings out of their home in the Vasai neighbourhood of Palghar.
Aaftab is charged with killing his girlfriend Shraddha Walkar in May of this year. Aaftab is accused of murdering Shraddha, then dismembering her body into 35 parts over the course of the subsequent 18 days. The country was stunned when the murder's gory details were made public more than five months after the incident.
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