Union Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat also took the opportunity to take a jibe at Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, attributing the BJP's success to the end of the "magic" spell.
In a spectacle of enthusiasm and celebration, BJP workers outside the party office in Jaipur on Sunday were seen beating drums and dancing as official Election Commission trends indicate a lead for the party in Rajasthan. Union Minister Gajendra Singh Shekhawat also took the opportunity to take a jibe at Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, attributing the BJP's success to the end of the "magic" spell.
“The 'magic' has ended and Rajasthan has come out of the spell of the magician. People have voted for the honour of women and for the welfare of the poor,” he said.
| The beating of drums and dancing by BJP workers continue outside the party office in Jaipur as official EC trends show the party leading.
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| Rajasthan BJP cadre celebrates party's lead in , in Jaipur.
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Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot, born into a family of magicians and having assisted his father during tours, has often been associated with the metaphorical magic of politics. However, the Union Minister's statement suggests a shift in public sentiment away from the charismatic allure of the Chief Minister.
“People have failed the guarantees of Congress. They have voted to throw corrupt Congress out,” Shekhawat told reporters in Jaipur.
Shekhawat also asserted that the people have rejected the guarantees put forth by the Congress and have voted to remove what he referred to as a "corrupt Congress" from power. This indicates a lack of confidence in the promises made by the opposition party, with voters expressing a desire for change and accountability.
According to the latest trends from the Election Commission of India, the BJP is leading in 99 out of 199 seats, while the Congress is leading in 77 seats. The figures suggest a substantial lead for the BJP, reinforcing Shekhawat's confidence in the party forming the government with a significant mandate.