AI Camera: Kerala's Motor Vehicles Department (MVD) found over one lakh traffic violations via AI-powered surveillance cameras as part of the 'Safe Kerala' project. However, they could only 3000 notices due to technical glitches. The Kerala Motor Vehicle Department and Keltron's AI cameras began penalizing violators on Monday (June 5).
Thiruvananthapuram: The motor vehicle department (MVD) has been unable to correct the issues even after four days of AI camera operation. Due to technical difficulties, 3,000 people have received notices despite the fact that over 100,000 violations have so far been found. A meeting of authorities has been scheduled today to address the problem by the state's Transport Minister.
The government has difficulty because, despite the cameras' fanfare-filled installation, technical issues persist. Some of the camera footage has problems, as does the NIC system that analyses it and notifies users. The camera can only clearly catch the number of cars with high-security number plates. The camera will consider any screw or other obstruction on an old-style license plate as zero.
Additionally, there is an issue while attempting to review the photographs, upload them to the Parivahan website, and send e-challans. When creating e-challans via the site, a speeding offense is combined with a seat belt violation. It also makes it difficult to appropriately generate e-challans.
The MVD did make a small effort to address the problem, though. 3000 e-challans were sent in response. It was revealed that the new system can only send a maximum of 25,000 notices per day. Cases when there is a hint of guilt in the crime the camera caught are avoided as there are doubts that the site would crash by excessive generation of e-challans. According to NIC, Parivahan's issues will be entirely rectified in a week.
The AI-powered surveillance cameras as part of the 'Safe Kerala' project found 38,520 instances of traffic law breaches in the first 12 hours. The Kerala Motor Vehicle Department and Keltron's AI cameras began penalizing violators on Monday (June 5). The cameras will be active around-the-clock.
Notices will be issued for the following offenses:
Travelling without a helmet, not utilising seat belts, talking on cell phones while driving, jumping red lights, riding more than two people per two-wheeler, speeding, and unsafe and inappropriate parking. However, the transport department will not slap a fine if a child is accompanied by two adults on a two-wheeler. Children above the age of four also must wear helmets.