Kerala Governor Arif Mohammad Khan seeks explanation from VC over SFI banners at Calicut University

Governor Arif Mohammad Khan sought an explanation from the Vice Chancellor in response to the hanging of SFI banners at Calicut University. The Governor has also directed the immediate removal of the banners in question. 

Kozhikode: Governor Arif Mohammad Khan sought an explanation from the Vice Chancellor in response to the hanging of an SFI (Students Federation of India) banner against the governor at Calicut University. The Raj Bhavan secretary has been instructed to inquire into the matter and seek an explanation from the VC regarding why the banners were allowed to be hung and why they were not promptly removed. The Governor has also directed the immediate removal of the banners in question. 

Following the wedding ceremony in Kozhikode, the Governor expressed displeasure to the police upon noticing that banners were not removed. Subsequently, the Rajya Sabha Secretary was contacted by phone and instructed to seek an explanation from the Vice Chancellor regarding the removal of the banners.

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Despite the SFI making it clear that their protest will persist, there are indications that it may not extend to the guest house where the Governor is staying. To ensure security, the police have decided to implement heavy security measures along the road tomorrow. 

At the same time, BJP State President Surendran stated that if the SFI workers persist in blocking the Governor's way, visiting his residence, and displaying money, similar protests may target the Chief Minister during the Nava Kerala assembly. Surendran has labeled the SFI's actions against the Governor as a hoax and called for an end to the protests hindering the Governor's movements.

He further explained that if such confrontations with the SFI continue, the BJP will respond by staging protests during the Navakerala Sadas.

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