How to clean shoes in Washing machine: Easy tips and tricks

First Published Sep 18, 2024, 5:50 PM IST

Many people are unaware that shoes can be cleaned in a washing machine. However, shoes can be washed in a washing machine with some precautions, otherwise, there is a risk of damage.

Vastu tips for shoes

Whether you buy expensive shoes or cheap shoes, they get dusty, dirty, and muddy. But these make the shoes wear out quickly. No one likes to wear dirty shoes. But cleaning them by hand is very difficult.

But you can easily clean even the dirtiest shoes in the washing machine. Yes, shoes can also be washed in the washing machine. But sometimes the shoes get damaged due to lace or some other reason. But if you follow some tips while washing shoes in the washing machine, even your old shoes will look new. Let's find out how to clean shoes in the washing machine.

Clean stubborn stains

Before putting the shoes in the washing machine, clean the stubborn stains on the shoes. Only then should the shoes be put in the washing machine. This eliminates the need to keep the shoes in the washing machine for a long time. This reduces the chance of damage to the shoes. Vinegar helps you a lot to remove stubborn stains on shoes.

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Soak cotton in white vinegar to clean the shoes. Then apply it to the stains on the shoes. Then gently clean the stain with a toothbrush. However, you can also use baking soda instead of vinegar.

However, shoes should be cleaned by hand in the washing machine. That means clean the dust and dirt on the shoes with a brush. After that remove the laces of the shoes. If there are laces, the shoes will not get stuck in the washing machine and the shoes will not tear.

Put the shoes and laces in a soft pillow cover or net bag and tie them. Then put it in the washing machine. This prevents the shoes from hitting the washing machine. It also prevents shoes from getting stuck in the washing machine.

Gentle Mode: Always select the gentle mode when putting shoes in the washing machine. This will prevent damage to your shoes. Also, the washing machine will not be damaged.

If you are washing only shoes in the washing machine.. put some old clothes or towels in the washing machine to weigh them down. However, the clothes or towels put in the washing machine should be old. Also, there should be no color. Only then your shoes will not be damaged.

However, do not add too much detergent powder to make the shoes white. If you use more detergent, the color of the shoes may fade. Not only that, more detergent makes the shoes sticky.

Do not dry in the dryer: After washing the shoes in the washing machine, do not put them in the dryer at all. Because it spoils the shape of your shoes. Also, the washing machine will not be damaged. After washing the shoes, leave them outside for 24 hours. However, shoes should not be exposed to direct sunlight. The colour of the shoes changes due to the sun.

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