Weight loss is a challenging task. But if you adopt the right approach, you can achieve success. Many people unknowingly make some mistakes in their weight loss journey, which prevents them from losing weight. Here, we will tell you about some common mistakes that should be avoided during the weight loss journey.
Focusing only on cardio
Cardio workouts such as running and cycling help burn calories, but if you focus only on cardio, it won't be enough for weight loss. Strength training is essential for maintaining muscle mass and boosting metabolism. Combine both in your workout for better results.
Skipping meals
Skipping meals does reduce calories, but it slows down your metabolism and puts the body into 'survival mode,' leading to fat storage. Always eat a balanced diet so that your body gets the necessary nutrients.
Not consuming enough protein
Protein is extremely important for weight loss. It reduces hunger, helps maintain muscle mass, and boosts metabolism. Include protein-rich foods like eggs, chicken, lentils, peas, and nuts in your diet.
Drinking packaged fruit juice
Often during a weight loss journey, we start drinking packaged fruit juices, which are high in sugar. This increases weight instead of reducing it. Consume fresh fruits or prepare fresh juices at home to get the right amount of nutrients and fiber.
Not getting enough sleep
Sleep has a direct impact on weight loss. Lack of sleep imbalances hormones related to hunger and satiety, leading to increased cravings. You should get 7-9 hours of good sleep every day so that your body can function properly.
Not exercising
Sometimes we try to lose weight just by reducing food intake. However, exercise is very important for burning calories and maintaining overall health. Focus on exercise.
Setting unrealistic targets
Excessive expectations related to weight loss and health can not only lead to disappointment but also affect mental well-being. Set small and achievable goals, and enjoy every success. Weight loss is a slow process, so patience is also essential.