Tamil Nadu adds snakebite to notifiable diseases list for enhanced response

First Published | Nov 8, 2024, 5:56 PM IST

The Tamil Nadu government has declared snakebite a notifiable disease to improve data collection, medical infrastructure, and treatment for snakebites, ultimately enhancing public health.

Government Hospital

Tamil Nadu government is taking various measures to prevent deaths due to venomous bites. Medicines are stocked in all government hospitals, including primary health centers, for the treatment of snake, scorpion, dog, and other animal bites. Now, the Tamil Nadu government has declared snakebite as a notifiable disease.

Tamil Nadu Government

The Tamil Nadu government has declared snakebite a notifiable disease under the Tamil Nadu Public Health Act 1939. The notification was published in the government gazette on November 6, 2024, following a government order issued by the Department of Health and Family Welfare on November 4, 2024.

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Snakebite envenomation is a life-threatening medical emergency. It is a preventable public health issue frequently faced by rural populations in tropical and subtropical countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) has introduced a global strategy to control deaths and disabilities caused by snakebites.


Snakebites cause significant morbidity and mortality, with agricultural workers, children, and people living in areas with high snake populations being the most affected. By making snakebite a notifiable disease, data collection, medical infrastructure, and treatment will be improved by providing antivenom to prevent deaths from snakebites.

Government Hospital

Until now, there has been a discrepancy in the number of snakebites and deaths due to snakebites and the figures from IHIP-IDSP data. The notification of snakebites makes it mandatory for all government and private hospitals to report data to the government. This will lead to better data collection that can be used for comprehensive prevention and treatment strategies for snakebites in Tamil Nadu.

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