Actor Sohail Khan has allegedly filed for divorce from his wife Seema Khan, according to reports. Nirvaan Khan and Yohan Khan are the couple's two children married in 1998. According to a source, the couple filed for divorce today and have peacefully parted ways. On Friday, May 13, Sohail and Seema were both seen outside a family court.
Several images from the site have made their way online. Sohail donned a black tee and blue jeans with a mask to the court, while Seema wore a loose tee and beige slacks with her hair wrapped in an inconspicuous low ponytail.
Seema Sachdev Khan is a well-known celebrity stylist and fashion designer. She is the actress Sohail Khan's wife. She has a clothes boutique in Mumbai and Dubai called "Seema Khan Store." Seema is also the co-founder of the "Bandra 190" fashion line.
Seema is well-known in the business for her fashionable designs. We have covered the details of this Fashion Designer. She was born in Delhi, on March 8, 1977 in a Punjabi background. Arjun Sajdeh is her father's name. Cornerstone Sport and Entertainment Private Limited have him as a non-executive director.
Kiran Sajdeh is her mother's name. Seema has a sister and a brother. Her brother, Bunty Sajdeh, founded Cornerstone Sport and Entertainment Private Limited. Richa Sajdeh is her sister's name.
Sohail and Seema met at a party. They were attracted to one other and eventually fell in love. They planned to marry soon after. The pair married in secret in a temple in 1998. When Sohail’s family got to know about his marriage, they welcomed Seema with their whole heart. Nirvaan Khan was born to the couple in the year 2000. Yohan, their second son, was born in 2011 through IVF surrogacy. Also Read: Rashami Desai copies Kim Kardashian, Kylie Jenner hairdo; checkout TV actress HOT pictures