Shraddha Kapoor enjoys a huge fan following on social media. The actress has often kept a low profile but had never failed to stun her fandom with her electrifying performances. Whether it was in Haseena Parker, Stri and Chhichhore, Shraddha has played a variety of roles, impressing everyone with her acting skills and adorable looks. Shraddha will be celebrating her birthday on Thursday, March 3. Even before she rings in her birthday, gifts have already started pouring in for Shraddha Kapoor.
The fan presented Shraddha Kapoor with the special Kolhapuri chappals and a printed handbook that had pictures of Shraddha’s characters from different films.
Shraddha Kapoor was seen wearing a white-coloured tank top with blue jeans. She carried a pink handbag to accessories her look, leaving her hair open. On the other hand, Shakti Kapoor was also dressed casually for his travel.
Meanwhile, on her professional front, Shraddha Kapoor will be seen opposite Ranbir Kapoor in Luv Ranjan's next that is slated to release next year in March.