Ranbir Kapoor welcomed Alia Bhatt at the airport as she landed in Mumbai, the city of dreams. The soon-to-be mother had spent many weeks away from her nation because she had been busy filming her first Hollywood movie, "Heart Of Stone."
She recently finished the shot and returned to the bay. Ranbir was at the airport to welcome his ladylove home, acting like the ideal husband.
When Alia spotted him in the car, she was ecstatic and shocked. She entered the vehicle and gave him an enthusiastic embrace as he grinned broadly.
Alia Bhatt was in for a surprise as Ranbir had already been waiting for her arrival at the airport. Just a couple of days ago, Alia Bhatt had slammed reports of Ranbir going to pick Alia from her shoot location.
Ranbir had been anticipating Alia Bhatt's arrival at the airport, so she was in for a surprise. A few days ago, Alia Bhatt criticised rumours that Ranbir had driven to the location of Alia's filming to pick her up. While the reunion of the two lovers and soon-to-be parents was joyful, watching Ranbir receiving a lot of internet criticism is heartbreaking. It's due to his stance and drunken appearance. She was pleasantly surprised when she saw him in the car, though. Also Read: Eid-al-Adha 2022: Take fashion cue from Esha Gupta to Ananya Panday for Bakrid