On June 9, Nayanthara and filmmaker Vignesh Shivan will exchange vows. The pair has been together for almost seven years, and their wedding day is quickly approaching. According to reports, the wedding celebration on June 9 will be attended by roughly 200 individuals, including 30 celebrities.
Ajith, Vijay, Rajinikanth, Sivakarthikeyan, and Vijay Sethupathi are among the visitors anticipated. After such a long time, fans are thrilled to see Ajith and Vijay together at a ceremony.
Vignesh and Nayanthara recently shared a photo of themselves. The pair paid a visit to a well-known shrine in Tamil Nadu. The photos have already gone viral on the internet. "Blessed," reads the caption on the photo.
Vignesh will cooperate with Ajith Kumar on his upcoming project, reportedly titled AK62, according to reports. To finance the film, a major production company has been brought on board. Nayanthara has been picked as the female lead in the film. According to reports, the film's soundtrack would be composed by Anirudh Ravichander.
Vignesh Shivan has also written the lyrics for Valimai’s opening song, Naanga Vera Mathiri. While the fans are excited about the reports of Vignesh and Ajith’s next venture, they are awaiting official confirmation.