Last night, we saw Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt at Rohit Dhawan Birthday part in Mumbai. Both lovebirds were twinning in all-black outfits as they came out of a restaurant, holding each other's hands.
A few called Ranbir and Alia's PDA/care/ love FAKE. A few users even claim that they indulged in PDA only after Katrina Kaif and Vicky Kaushal's romantic Christmas post. Some social media users called Ranbir is a big flirt/casanova and commented that he would never marry Alia Bhatt. Some even said God saved Katrina Kaif and Deepika Padukone.
Ranbir and Alia are gearing up for their upcoming film Brahmastra, directed by their friend Ayan Mukerji. The couple met on the sets of the movie in 2017. In the event of Brahmastra, Ayan Mukerji opened up about why the duo (Ranbir and Alia) was not spotted jointly or revealed about their relationship in public for a very long time when they initially started dating each other.