A few months ago, Shah Rukh Khan and his wife Gauri won the Most Stylish Couple Award at the HT Most Stylish Awards, which was held in Mumbai. Some interesting and candid chat happened at the gala event, one of which is Shah Rukh Khan and Gauri's honeymoon tale.
When the couple came to the stage to accept the award, host Vicky Kaushal showed old pictures of SRK and Gauri. He then asked them to share their memories. As soon as their first romantic photo from Darjeeling flashed on screen, King Khan couldn't stop himself from making an honest confession.
"This is my favourite picture...When I got married, I was very poor while Gauri was middle class, well to do. So like how usually everyone does, I had promised her that after we get married, I'll take her to Paris and show her the Eiffel Tower."
"But obviously, it was all a lie because neither I had the money nor I had the air tickets but somehow I convinced her. Finally, we were heading to Darjeeling to shoot a song for Raju Ban Gaya Gentleman. And I felt that considering even Gauri hasn't travelled abroad she wouldn't know much so main usko Paris bolke Darjeeling le gaya. Yeh humara honeymoon hai....20 days after our wedding."
Recently, 54-year-old Shah Rukh Khan and his interior designer wife Gauri Khan featured together in a new series of television ads for a home furnishing brand. In the ad, we can see their chemistry, which will make you hug your partner.