Last week, Aishwarya Rai Bachchan was inaugurating a store of watches, branded internationally. She was wearing a royal blue off-shoulder dress and again Aishwarya has proved how she is the quintessential Bollywood diva.
Pictures of the event were all over the Internet as she looked like a dream. But there is a horror story behind the look. According to a report in Pinkvilla, Aish and her team were left stranded, as her makeup artist, Daniel Bauer, who is very popular in Bollywood circuit wasn't able to make it on time.
A source at the event said, "Daniel was booked by Aishwarya's watch brand in December for this event. Everything including the tickets, visas and other travel arrangements had been done and was seen to him and his assistant in advance. On the day of leaving (the flight was to take off on January 11 at 3.55 am), his manager called and said his shoot was extended so Daniel wouldn't be able to make it."
Therefore, the actress was angry and had to look for last-minute replacements. "Finally at 11.30 pm, they contacted another hair and makeup artist, Adrian and Aasif, who were luckily available and their tickets were done," the source added.
On the work front, Aishwarya Rai will be seen in Fanne Khan where she plays a star. She is also in talks with makers of Raat Aur Din, which is a remake of Nargis-starrer movie of the same title. She will be seen in a double role in the film.