Alia Bhatta and Ranbir Kapoor welcomed their first child, a baby daughter, on Sunday, November 06. While the mother and newly born are healthy and safe, reports regarding Ranbir Kapoor’s reaction after holding his baby in his arms, are doing rounds on social media. Continue reading to know how he reacted.
The arrival of Alia Bhatt and Ranbir Kapoor’s baby daughter has brought tonnes of happiness not only in Hindi cinema’s first film family but the entire Bollywood. The couple’s first child was born on Sunday at a private hospital in Mumbai. Since her arrival, celebrations have rang-in in the Kapoor family.
The year 2022 has been a lot more special for Ranbir Kapoor and Alia Bhatt. At the beginning of the year, the two embarked upon a new journey by tying the knot. A couple of months later, the two announced their pregnancy to the world. Cut to the present, Ranbir and Alia have once again started on the most beautiful journey of becoming parents.
After Alia Bhatt became a mother on Sunday, November 6, congratulatory messages have been pouring in on social media for the couple. While Ranbir Kapoor and Alia continue to receive wishes on the arrival of their baby, a new update had come to the fore regarding how Ranbir reacted after holding his baby for the first time.
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According to a media report quoting a source close to the Kapoor family, Ranbir Kapoor was very emotional when he held his and Alia’s child for the first time in his arms. Just as he held the little one in his arms, Ranbir started crying with joy, reportedly. Seeing him, Alia also became emotional, said the report.
Meanwhile, on the day of the arrival of her baby daughter, Alia Bhatt shared a post on her Instagram handle and expressed her happiness in becoming a parent. “And in the best news of our lives:-
Our baby is here…and what a magical girl she is
We are officially bursting with love
blessed and obsessed PARENTS!!!!!
love love love
Alia and Ranbir (sic),” said the note shared by Alia.
Meanwhile, veteran actor Neetu Singh who visited the hospital on Sunday after the arrival of her granddaughter was congratulated by the media. When asked if they have thought of a name for the baby girl, she said that they have not yet thought about it, adding that Alia is doing fine.
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