Bigg Boss OTT 2 contestants, Palak Purswani and Jiya Shankar, confront each other over their friendship fallout, highlighting issues of neglect and communication gaps. The tension remains unresolved as the show progresses – By Amrita Ghosh
In the latest season of Bigg Boss OTT, viewers have witnessed the emergence of intense conflicts among the contestants. One particular relationship that has grabbed attention is the strained friendship between Palak Purswani and Jiya Shankar, who find themselves reunited in the Bigg Boss house. Seizing the opportunity, the two contestants decided to confront each other and shed light on the reasons behind their fallout.During their conversation, Jiya expressed her frustration with Palak's habit of interrupting and not allowing her to speak. Bringing up a specific incident, Jiya recalled how Palak attended her birthday party but seemingly ignored her, instead partying with others and sharing posts on social media without acknowledging Jiya. This incident deeply hurt Jiya, as she expected her best friend to show more consideration on her special day.
Palak, on the other hand, conveyed her feelings of being unwanted at the party. However, Jiya countered that Palak should have approached her to address any issues they might have had. Another point of contention arose when Jiya expressed her distress over Palak's continued communication with her ex-partner after their breakup. Jiya found this behavior unsettling, as it was unlike Palak's previous conduct.
While both contestants shared their perspectives, the confrontation did not lead to an immediate resolution of their issues. The fallout between Palak Purswani and Jiya Shankar remains unresolved, adding an extra layer of tension to the Bigg Boss OTT 2 house.
As the season progresses, viewers will be keen to see if these former friends can find a way to mend their broken bond or if their differences will continue to escalate within the confines of the Bigg Boss house.